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Thursday, 10 September 2015 11:39

Disrespecting a Sayyid


What is the ruling on a person who labels a Ba-Sharah Sunni Sahih ul Aqeeda Sayyid as a "rabid dog"?


To disrespect another fellow Muslim with words that are degrading is not permissible and a violation of the rights that Muslims have over each other. The Messenger of Allah and Saviour of Mankind ﷺ said,

“A Muslim is he from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe.”

Sayyid, Shaah or Shareef  refer to a person who is a descendant of the family of the Prophet ﷺ. They are the children of Sayyidah Fatimah Allah is pleased with her.  Many virtues have been mentioned regarding them and they are beloved to our Master Muhammad Ahmad Mustafa ﷺ and therefore it is our utmost duty to show the highest form of respect towards them. If it is impermissible to degrade and swear at a general Muslim then it is more severe to degrade and swear at a Sayyid.

Such a person must seek forgiveness from the Sayyid and then repent in the court of Allah the All Forgiving and abstain from using the toungue in such manner in the future and Allah knows best.

Zahid Hussain Al-Qadiri
(Beggar at the doorstep of Scholars)
22nd Shawwaal 1436 AH

Published in Character

Question: Nowadays, a tribulation in the form of a film is spreading rampantly. Islam, the Muslims and especially the Beloved Prophet [peace be upon him] have been blasphemed in the film, to describe which, the heart trembles. We seek refuge in Allah. Due to this, Muslims all over the world are disappointed. Protests and demonstrations are being held in many parts of the world. 
We ask your eminence: What should be the role of the Ahl us-Sunnah in this case? What is the way in which we can protest? What is your message to such blasphemers?

Answer: Such blasphemers are the enemies of Allah and His Messenger [peace be upon him]. Allah [Exalted is He!] has destined for them such a wrath, the result of which, they will witness in this life itself. And painful torment is prepared for them in the Hereafter. 
My advice to the Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah is; oppose such tribulations with patience and forebearance. Express your state and anger by holding peaceful protests. Express your increased firmness on the path of the Ahl us-Sunnah. Keep all the enemies of Islam and heretics away from yourself and stay away from them as well. 

Question: What is the ruling upon the one who intentionally watches the film in order to refute it, or for the sake of verification (of its reviling nature) or without any reason?

Answer: Watching it without any reason is haram [prohibited], an evil deed and the cause of a bad result. If someone watches it and carries on, the ruling upon him will be harsher. In any case, watching something haram, is haram. Refutation of the film or the verification (of its reviling nature) is not dependent upon watching it. Therefore, in my opinion, watching the film cannot be permissible. Especially, for the Ulama, it is extremely abominable and a reason for being slandered. Thus, the Ulama should listen to its contents in audio form and refute it eloquently.

Answers by Huzur Taajush Shari'ah Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan

Translated by Najibullah Qadiri

Monday, 23 April 2012 17:50

Disrespect of the Sahaba e Kiraam

Question: It must be brought to the notice of the Ulama-e-Ahle Sunnat that today Sunnis sit in the companionship of corrupt sects and have become misled in faith due to a few laws. Even though there are numerous laws explained in your books, this servant has not seen anything relating to this that is why I felt it necessary to query this issue. There issue is that there is a person who refers to Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah (radi Allahu anhu) as a miserly person. He says that Ameer Muawiyah (radi Allahu anhu) fought with Hazrat Ali and the family of the Prophet Sall Allaho Alaihi Wa Sallam (Hazrat Imam Hassan radi Allahu anhu) and stole the khilaafat from them and he martyred thousands of Sahaba-e-Kiraam to achieve this. Bakr says that he is aware of Ameer Mu’wiyah’s (radi Allahu anhu) wrongs and he can not be called and Ameer.

Amar on the other hand says that Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah (radi Allahu anhu) is from amongst the senior Sahaba-e-Kiraam and the slightest disrespect to him is to be misled. There is another person, who calls himself a Sunni and also claims to have some knowledge (The truth is that he is actually completely ignorant) says that all the Sahaba especially Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (radi Allahu anhu), Hazrat Umar Farouk-e-Azam (radi Allahu anhu) and Hazrat Usman Zul Noorain (radi Allahu anhu) (Allah forbid) were greedy and miserly, as they kept the blessed bier of the Prophet Sall Allaho Alaihi Wa Sallam and then were each engrossed in their own schemes of how to become Khalifa. 

Now what is the ruling about these four persons? Can we regard them as being Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaat or not? What is your (Aala Hazrat’s) view on this issue? Please present a simple yet well supported answer.

The Answer: Almighty Allah described the Sahaba of the Prophet Sall Allaho Alaihi Wa Sallam in two categories in Surah Hadeed. One group are those who accepted Islam before the Victory at Makkah and who spent their wealth in the way of Allah sincerely and made Jihad. The second group refers to those who accepted Islam after the Victory at Makkah. Almighty Allah mentioned in the Holy Quran about both the groups “Wa Kul’la Wa’d Allahu Husna” wherein Almighty Allah promised both groups good things. In giving this promise of giving them good things, Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran, “They have been kept a great distance away from Hell. They will not even hear its sound. These are the ones who will live forever in the way they desire. The most difficulty moments of Qiyaaamat will not cause them any sadness, The Angels will welcome them by saying, This is that day of yours which you have been promised.”

Almighty Allah has mentioned the above as the status and excellence of every Sahabi. Now, if anyone says ill about any sahabi, then he wants to belie the word of Allah. To present false and incorrect narrations regarding some of their dealings against that, which Allah has mentioned, is not the manner of the Muslims. In the same verse, Almighty Allah even answered such people by promising good to both the groups of the Sahaba-e-Kiraam (radi Allahu ta’ala anhum). Almighty Allah also says, “Allah knows well, whatever you are to do.” (In other words Allah knows everything and has still promised both groups his Mercy and blessings). Now after this, whoever barks or says such things, will go to jahanum (Hell). Allama Shahabud’deen Khufaji states as follows in Naseemur Riyaz, the commentary of Shifa Shareef by Qaadi Iyaaz as follow: “One who slanders Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah (radi Allahu anhu) is a dog from amongst the dogs of Hell.” 

Amongst the four statements (presented in the question), only Amar’s statement is correct and true. Zaid and Bakr are liars and the fourth person is the worst and most evil of all three as he is a raafdhi (Shia). To Appoint an Imam (Caliph) is the most difficult task of all difficult tasks. All the issues of the world and religion have connection to this and if the blessed Janazah of the Prophet Sall Allaho Alaihi Wa Sallam had to be kept even until Qiyaamat, then there would have been still no possibility of any harm at all. The blessed bodies of the Ambia (alaihimus salaatu was salaam) never become disintegrated. Hazrat Sulaiman (alaihis salaam) remained standing for one entire year after passing away. He was only laid to rest in his blessed grave after one year. 

Now, the Blessed Janaazah of the Prophet Sall Allaho Alaihi Wa Sallam was in the room of Ummul Mo’mineen Siddiqa (radi Allahu anha), and it is the same place where the blessed Rauza-e-Anwar is today. The Janaazah Mubaarak was not going to be taken out of that Hujrah. It was a small Hujrah and all the Sahaba wished to be part of the Janaazah Salaah, so small groups of Sahaba-e-Kiraam came in one after the other. They partook in the Janaazah Salaah and went out (and the next group came in). This chain of actions ended on the third day. 

Now, if this practice of the Sahaba had to take three years, then the blessed janaaza would have been kept their for three years and this, would have been the reason for the (so-called) delay in placing the Prophet Sall Allaho Alaihi Wa Sallam to rest in his blessed Rauza Mubaarak. If according to this Iblees (cursed person) this was being greedy (power hungry), then the strongest objection would be on Ummul Mo’mineen Siddiqa and Hazrat Ali (Radi Allahu anhum). They were not greedy. The issue of burial and kaffan is the right of the family members. Why did Hazrat Ali and Ummul Mo’mineen then just wait and do nothing for three days? They are the ones who did this for the Prophet Sall Allaho Alaihi Wa Sallam. They should have done the last rites as well. (All this is being just given as example to allow the ignorant to understand that these could be the objections that they would have to make on great people like Hazrat Ali and Ummul Mo’mineen). Now, it can be established that the objections by these people are baseless and cursed and the issue of not resting the Prophet Sall Allaho Alaihi Wa Sallam in his blessed grave quickly had religious benefits in it and Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) and all the Sahaba-e-Kiraam were pleased with this.

These evil cursed people (May Allah destroy them) are not just hurting the Sahaba, but they are causing discomfort to the Prophet Sall Allaho Alaihi Wa Sallam. It has been mentioned in the Hadith Shareef as follows: “Anyone who has hurt my sahaba has hurt me and one who has hurt me has caused Allah displeasure and one who displeases Allah, it is soon that Allah will seize him.”

والله تعالٰی اعلم

كتبه عبده المذنب احمد رضا عفى عنه


Published in Fatawa

All praise is to Allah, the Lord Of The Creation. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Owner of the Day of Recompense. Who blessed us being the Ummah of His Beloved Rasool Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam. Who sanctified our hearts with the Love and Affection towards His Beloved Rasool Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam. Who blessed us the with the most precious treasure of Iman (Faith)... Countless Salutations, Peace and Blessings be upon the Cream of the Creation... Mercy for all Worlds... Seal of the Prophets Sayyiduna wa Maulana MuHammadur RasoolALLAH Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam, His Blessed Parents, His entire Family, His Progeny, His Companions and all those who Follow Him!!

Iman is to accept every word of Sayyiduna RasoolAllah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam as absolute and nothing else but truth and to testify whole-heartedly the reality and truth of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam.

One who observes the above would be called a Muslim, that is, if any of his words, actions or conditions does not reject, insult or falsify Almighty Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. His relationship with Almighty Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam must be above all other relationships. He must love and respect all those who are the beloved of Almighty Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam even though that person may be his enemy. He must disrespect and hate all those who disrespect and hate Almighty Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam even if that person may be his beloved son. Whatever he gives should be for Almighty Allah and whatever he abstains from must be for Almighty Allah. Such a persons Iman is known as "Kaamil" or "Complete".

Sayyiduna RasoolAllah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam states:

من أحب لله وأبغض لله وأعطى لله ومنع لله فقد استكمل الإيمان

"One who loves for Allah, hates anyone because of Allah, spends for Allah and holds back for Allah, then, indeed, he has completed his Iman." [Sunan Abi Dawood, Vol 2, Page 632, Hadith 4681]

Penalty for Insulting the Beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam

This is an enormous subject, but we shall concentrate in what constitutes an insult then the impending penalty.

1. The verdict of infidelity for insulting the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam will depend upon the apparent words and no consideration will be given to the intention and the purpose of the person committing the insult and the circumstances of the time. [Imām Shahāb ud-Dīn Khafājī Hanafī, Nasīm ar-Riyadh, Vol. 4, Page 426]

2. When a person (a Muslim) speaks ill of the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam is any connection, he becomes an infidel. According to some ‘Ulamā, if a man uses an insulting word even for the sacred hair of the Holy Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam he will become an infidel. [Fatāwah Qadī Khan, Vol. 4, Page 882]

3. If a Muslims abuses the Holy Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam or lies about him or picks out faults in him, or robs him of his dignity, he commits the act of infidelity against Allāh Almighty. [Imām Abū Yūsuf, Kitāb al-Khiraj, Page 182]

4. Truly whoever abused the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam or ascribed any fault to him or attributed any defect to his family, religion or his habit, or reproached him, or compared the Holy Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam with any defective thing with the objective of degrading his personality and prestige, he is truly an abusive person and deserves to be executed. We make absolutely no exception to this verdict, whether the insult has been committed intentionally or unintentionally. This has been the verdict of all the ‘Ulamā of the Ummah from the time of the Companions to the present day. [Qadī Iyadh, Ash-Shifa, Vol. 2, Page 214]

5. It is narrated by Imām Abū Hafs al-Kabīr Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu that if anybody ascribes a defect even to the sacred hair of the Holy Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam he will become an infidel. Imām Muhammad Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu mentioned in his ‘Mabsūt’ that it is an act of infidelity to abuse the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam.

6. It is beyond doubt that the whole of the Ummah is unanimous that the one who slanders the Holy Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam or any of the other Prophets, is an infidel, whether he committed this act while considering it legitimate or illegitimate. He is an infidel in the opinion of the Ulema, and whoever doubts his infidelity is also an infidel. [Dhakhairat al-Uqba, Page 240]

7. It is stated in Fatawa Alamgir (also known as Fatawa al-Hindiya) that No ta’wīl will be heard for manifest, unambiguous words. Fatāwah Khulasa, Fusul ‘Imadiya, Jami’ al-Fusulin and Fatāwah Hindiya and others state: If someone calls himself RasûlAllâh or refers to himself as Paighambar in Persian and then says that he meant that he is an ambassador who delivers someone’s message; then he will become a Kâfir. [Fatāwah Hindiya, Vol. 2, Page 263]

8. Imām Qadī ‘Iyadh writes that Imām Ahmad bin Abī Sulaiman, student of Imām Sahnun rahimahumAllah, was asked about a man to whom it was said that “In the name of RasûlAllâh”, he said “May Allah do so-and so with RasûlAllâh” and uttered insolent words. It was said to him, “Oh enemy of God! What do you utter about the Messenger?” He replied using even harsher words and then said, “By saying RasûlAllâh, I meant a scorpion”. Imām Ahmad bin Abī Sulaiman advised the questioner thus, “Bear witness against him so that he may get the punishment of death and that you get the reward. I am with you on this” [meaning, give evidence against him to the Muslim judge and I will also try that we get the judge to issue a verdict of capital punishment and gain the reward of this]. Imām Habīb bin Rabī’ says that this is because no ta’wīl is heard for explicit words.[al-Shifa’ fī Ta’rif Huqūq al-Mustafa, Vol. 2, Page 209]

9. Mawlana ‘Alī Qarī writes that is, when that man said that he was referring to a scorpion – he claimed the literal meaning of the word Risalah in that even the scorpion is sent by Allāh to the people – this ta’wīl is rejected according the rules of the Sharī’ā. [Sharh Shifa’ Mullah ‘Alī Qarī ma’a Nasīm al-Riyadh, Vol. 4, Page 343]

10. ‘Allamah Shihāb Khafājī writes that Indeed the literal meaning of the word that he referred to is true and denying this is stubbornness. However, his claim that he had intended these meanings will not be accepted because this ta’wīl is extremely farfetched. To twist the meaning of word from its apparent meaning will not be heard just as when a man says to his wife that you are taaliq and then gives the explanation that what I meant was that she is open, not tied up [literally, taaliq means extended]. Such a ta’wīl will not be accepted and he will be thought to be delirious. [Nasīm al-Riyadh Sharh Shifa’, Vol. 4, Page 343]

We can go on quoting the righteous Ulama on this topic and the verdict is the same, a single bad word towards the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam under any circumstance, intentional or not, leads to Kufr! Furthermore, any Muslim doubting the Kufr of an abuser of the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam will himself become a Kafir!!

Dear Muslims!! Is it possible that the heart that contains the love and honour of the master of the universe, Sayyiduna Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, could ever tolerate insults to him, though it may be his Ustadh, Murshid, leader or even father? Would the heart that extremely loves the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam above all creation, ever respect or love one who belittles the unique and faultless Prophet of Allah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, even though it may be his own child or intimate friend?

All good is from Allah Ta’ala whereas mistakes are from this humble speck. May Allah Ta’ala bring us closer to Him and His Rasool SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. May He accept our humble efforts and grant us the capacity to be good and do good. May we live in this World with extreme protection of Iman and leave this world having our Iman safe and sound!!


Faysal Noori - UK 


Opposing Rasulullah şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam command and changing şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam sunna is misguidance and innovation. It is threatened by Allah with utter privation and punishment. Allah says:

Whoever splits from the Messenger şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam after the guidance is clear to him and follows other than the path of the believers, We shall entrust him to what he has turned to and expose him unto Hell - an evil retreat! 

[Surah an-Nisa, Verse 115]

The Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam said: 

Anyone who dislikes my Sunnah is not of me.

Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.