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Question: Is there any wisdom in fixing dates of Urs of Awliya?

Answer: Yes, on the day of their Wisaal (passing away), their souls have greater concentration in the respected graves. Hence, this is the perfect time to derive the bounties of Rahmah from them 

Published in Tawassul

Question: Respected Sir! Is it true that to visit or see an Aalim of Deen earns you Thawaab?

Answer: Yes, the Sahih Hadith Shareef reports: "To see the face of an Aalim is Ibaadah, to see the Kaaba-tullah is Ibaadah and to look at the Holy Quran is Ibaadah." 

Published in Seeking Knowledge
Monday, 23 April 2012 18:43


From al-Malfūdh Sharīf, pp. 380:

There are three types of Qiyāmah.

The first type is, Qiyamah al-Sughrā [small/minor Qiyāmah] and that is death. It is said, When anyone of you die, indeed Qiyāmah begins.

The second Qiyāmah is that all the people of one generation will die and a new set of people are born to replace the departed generation.

The third type is Qiyāmah al-Kubrā [Major/Final Qiyāmah]. This is when the skies, earth and everything in it will be destroyed. 

Published in Basics about Islam

From al-Malfūz al-Sharīf, pp. 280:

Can one take photographs of the Awliya and pious individuals and keep them for the sake of barakah?

The photos Sayyidunā Khalīlullāh álayhis salâm, Sayyidunā Ismayil Zabīhullāh álayhis salâm and Sayyidāh Bībī Maryam rađiyAllāhu ánha were painted inside the blessed Ka’abah. They were regarded as sacred, but Sayyidunā RasūlAllâh śallAllāhu álayhi wa âlihi wa sahbihī wa sallam personally erased them with his śallAllāhu álayhi wa âlihi wa sahbihī wa sallam blessed hands. 

Published in Miscellaneous

From al-Malfūz, pp 75-76. -- Imam Ahmed Rida Khan

Recite Salawāt [Durūd Sharīf] excessively at night. Also continue reading Durūd Sharīf during the day, in fact, at all times. The following Durūd Sharīf has been proven most effective for the blessed Ziyārah.

Recite this Salawat 100 times or more daily without fail after Salāt al-‘Esha.

There is no better Salawāt than the above to be blessed with the sacred Ziyārah of Sayyid al-‘Alamīn şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam. Bear in mind that Salawāt [Durūd Sharīf] must not be read with the intention of Ziyārah, but purely for the love and respect of the Beloved Prophet of Allāh şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam. Let the rest lie in the mystic favours and blessings of the Glorious Ĥabīb şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam. 

Monday, 23 April 2012 18:39

Imāms of Tafsīr

From al-Malfudh Sharif, pg326:

There are many places where the comment of the Imāms of Tafsīr are not accepted, e.g. Qādī Baydāwī and Khā’zin both have specified that Towrāt still has comprehensive details of everything.

Qādī Baydāwī and Imām Khā’zin rađiyAllāhu ánhuma are not Imāms of Tafsīr. To be an Imām of Tafsīr is one thing and to compile a book on the subject of Tafsīr is totally a different thing altogether. The Imāms of Tafsīr are the illustrious Sahāba rađiyAllāhu ánhum and only the distinguished ‘Ulamā amongst the Tāba’īn rađiyAllāhu ánhum. Not every Tāba’ī is an Imām of Tafsīr, only the most knowledgeable amongst them who have specialised in this field are regarded as Imams of Tafsīr. Imām Mujāhid rađiyAllāhu ánhu was certainly an Imām of Tafsīr and he perfected the field under the tutorship of Sayyid al-Mufassirīn Jabar al-‘Ummah, Sayyidunā ‘Abdullāh ibn Abbās rađiyAllāhu ánhu. His commentary will certainly be accepted as authentic and unquestionable. 

Published in The Holy Qur'an
Monday, 23 April 2012 18:37

Ladies attending the Mosque

From al-Malfudh Sharif, pg 350 – 351:

If there are women performing salāh and behind theme there is a wall. What is the condition of the salāh of the men standing behind this wall?

If the wall is so low that the men are able to see the heads or chest of the women in front, then salāh [performed by the men] is not accepted.

What if the women are elderly?

Old or young, it is forbidden for women to go to the Masjid. It is stated in a blessed Hadith, “For women, salāh performed in a [secluded] cellar is better than that performed in their [private] room. Salāh performed in her room is better than that performed by her in the veranda [of her home]. Salāh in her veranda is better than the salāh performed in the courtyard [of her home]. And the salāh performed in the courtyard is better than the salāh performed in my Masjid [Masjid al-Nabawi Sharif]." [1]

Thus, women are exempted from performing salāh with the congregation in a Masjid. In fact, it is forbidden by the Sharī’āh for women to perform salāh in a Masjid. Their association and intermingling with men is never empty of Fitnah. Look around you today! What is the moral situation of the Muslim society? Does this not open the eyes of the Muslim?

[1] In this hadîth, Sayyiduna RasulAllah şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam emphasises that the more a woman hides herself in performing salāh, the better and more excellent it is for her 

Published in Miscellaneous

From al-Malfūdh Sharīf, Pg 95:

Were the thirty chapters of the Glorious Qur’ān already established in the sacred era of the Sahaba?

Imam Jalāl al-Dīn Suyutī rađiyAllāhu ánhu [d. 911/1505] in his famous book, al-Itqān fī ‘Ulūm al-Qur’ān, has compiled all the relevant ahadīth and narrations pertaining to the compilation of the Holy Qur’ān. It is not mentioned anywhere in this book of a chapter which tells us that it was done in that sacred era. Yes, the rukū’s existed. 

Published in The Holy Qur'an

From al-Malfūdh Sharīf, Pg 341:


How must one reply to the Salām of a young ghayr mehram woman?


Reply to her softly in the heart and not loudly.

Published in Miscellaneous
Monday, 23 April 2012 18:33

Folding one's beard

From al-Malfūdh Sharīf, Pg 302,


Is it permissible to fold one’s beard? [I.e. push it under one’s chin]


It is stated in Hadith Sharif: He who folds [or ties] their beards, let it be known that [the Beloved Messenger] Muhammad is disgusted with them.[1] 

[1] Fath al-Bārī cited from Sunan Abu Dāwud

Published in Basics about Islam
Monday, 23 April 2012 18:32

Marrying in the family of Deviants

Question: Is it permissible to marry in the family of Rafzees (Shiaa)? Nowadays, it is so complicated that either someone's uncle or someone's brother-in-law is a Rafzee.

Answer: It is not permissible. There are great dangers in such marriages. Your Imaan will leave your heart and the love for Allah and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will also leave you. Almighty Allah states in the Holy Quraan,"If you come to your senses after the Shaitaan makes you forget, then do not sit in the company of the oppressors". Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) states, "Run far from them and keep them away from you so that they may not mislead you". There is a Hadith Shareef that is specifically related to the Rafzees, "A nation will come, they will have a bad title, they will be called Rafzee. They will not come for Jummah nor Jamaat. They will insult the pious predecessors. You must not sit in their company, nor eat, nor drink nor marry in them. If they get sick, do not visit them nor attend their funeral if they die".

Imraan bin Khataan Raqqaashi was regarded as one of the greatest Aalims and authority on Hadith (Muhaddith). He married his cousin sister who was a Kharijite. The Ulema were very disturbed and opposed this marriage. He said to them, "I have married her in order that I may guide her on the right path". Not even a year had passed before she had converted him to a Khariji. He went to hunt but became the target. This rule applies to all corrupt sects who have deviated from the Ahle Sunnah wa Jamaat. Due to their Kufr beliefs, the Ulema of Islam have passed the Fatwa of Irtidaad on them. People with such Kufr beliefs are regarded as Murtads, hence association and social bonds with them is strongly opposed as mentioned in the Hadith Shareef. Some of these corrupt cults are Wahabi, Deobandi, Qadiani, Rafzee (Shia), etc. Infact, the Nikah of a Muslim is not valid with them because of their Kufr. Children born from such marriage will be Waladu-Zina (illegitimate). Consult "Fatawa-e-Alamgeer" for details. 

Imam Ahmed Rida - Al Malfuz Shareef

Published in Miscellaneous

Question: What is the meaning or concept of I'lm (Knowledge)?

Answer: The meaning of I'lm is that one be fully equipped and aware of the Aqaa'id (Beliefs) of Islam and this knowledge must be constantly fresh in the mind. Also, one must have the capability of acquiring and solving various other questions pertaining to Deen from Kitaabs without the assistance of any person. 

Published in Seeking Knowledge
Monday, 23 April 2012 18:30

Sunnah way of eating food

Question: What is the Sunnah way of eating food?

Answer: Sitting on the floor with the right leg upright and left leg lying flat across you. Hold the bread with the left hand and break the bread and eat with the right hand. To break and eat bread (or anything) with just one hand is the practice of the cursed proud people. 

Published in Miscellaneous

From al-Malfūdh Sharīf, Pg 509:

How can one recognize a Walī of Allāh Almighty?

In a Hadīth Sharīf, our Master Sayyidunā Rasūlullah şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam states:

أولياء الله الذين إذا رؤوا ذكر الله

The remembrance of Allāh Almighty comes to your heart when you see the Awliya of Allah Almighty.[1]

The same Hadīth Sharīf is found in al-Bayān wa al-Ta’rīf, on the authority of Sayyidunā Ibn Abbas:

أولياء الله الذين إذا رؤوا ذكر الله أخرجه الحكيم الترمذي والبزار عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما وأخرجه أبو نعيم في الحلية من حديث سعد بن أبي وقاص رضي الله عنه سببه عن ابن عباس قال سألت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من أولياء الله فذكره

[1] Cited in Imām Abdur Ra’ūf Manawī’s [d. 1031], Fayd al-Qadīr, Vol1, Hadīth 2801, Vol3, Pg 105. Also found in Ibn Hamza al-Husaynī al-Hanafī al-Damishqī’s, al-Bayān wa al-Ta’rīf fī Asbāb Wurūd Ul-Hadīth Sharīf, Hadith 828 

Published in Islamic Personalities


People generally place the blessed Qurân safely in a box or bag and travel in a train. Sometimes the rush is so heavy that there is hardly place for the passengers to sit. In this situation, is it permissible for one to keep the box or bag with the blessed Qurân on the floor?


Certainly not! Man himself creates problems. Otherwise, there are no difficulties. If a man has the love and honour of the blessed Qurân at heart, he will always have in mind the love and respect for it.

Published in The Holy Qur'an
Monday, 23 April 2012 18:26

The replacement of a Ghaus


When a Ghaus passes away who takes his place?


The seat of the Ghaus is replaced in the following sequence: -

  • The seat of the Ghaus is replaced by one of the Imāmayn
  • The seat of an Imāmayn is replaced by one of the Awtād al-Arbáah
  • The seat of the Awtād al-Arbáah is replaced by one of the Budala
  • The seat of the Budala is replaced by one of the Abdāl al-Sab’een
  • The seat of an Abdāl al-Sab’een is replaced by one of the 300 Nuqaba
  • The seat of Nuqaba is replaced by one of the Awliya
  • The seat of the Awliya is replaced by any one of the Múminīn
Published in Islamic Personalities
Monday, 23 April 2012 18:25

Shaking hands and embracing one another


Is there a prohibition in shaking hands at the time departure?


No, when the blessed Sahāba rađiyAllāhu ánhum ajmaýīn met, they shook hands and when they departed they embraced one another.


Is embracing done on both sides (right and left) or on one side?


It is correct on one side but the original residents of Hijāz Sharīf embraced on both sides.


Is it permissible to shake hands after the daily Salāh, Jumuáh and both Eids?


Yes, it is permissible. It is recorded in Nasīm ar-RiyāĎ Sharh ash-Shifaá,

This is a good practice.

Published in Character
Monday, 23 April 2012 18:24

Lifting pants before prostration


Some people have the habit of lifting their pants before going into sajdah (prostration). What is the law of Shariá concerning such a practice?


It is makruh (disliked). According to some Jurists, one’s salāh breaks if it is performed using both hands.

Published in Salah

[taken from, translated by abu hasan]

A student of Imâm Râzi questioned an illiterate peasant: 'what is your faith?'

He replied 'I am a sunni muslim'.

The student asked, 'do you have any doubts about this creed?'

The man replied:'I seek Allâh's refuge. I am convinced that the creed of ahlus sunnah is true; I am sure of it as I believe that the sun is present in the afternoon'

The student broke into tears and wept so much that his shirt was soaked and said: 'I am still unsure as to which is the most correct creed.'

Therefore it is said that the initiates, but even the masters shouldn't read the books of the heretics. It is not permitted to look into them unless there is a need (like refuting them). After all we are human; who knows, something (from the heretic's belief) might settle in the heart – we seek Allâh's refuge – and may go astray and fall into perdition.

Imâm Hârith al-muHâsibi wrote a book refuting the heretics. And that was the first book refuting heresy. Imâm Ahmed (ibn Hanbal) stopped talking to him. Imâm Hârith said, 'Did I do anything wrong? After all I have refuted the heresies'

Imâm Ahmed replied: 'Is it not possible that the heresies you have copied in your book to refute may take root in the hearts of Muslims, and make them go astray?'

In the olden days many heresies were put down by the power of the sword. In these days we can do nothing but refute. In fact it is obligatory (farD) to refute the heretics. It is in the Hadîth: 'when mischief and heresy is widespread, and the scholar doesn't refute them (demonstrate his learning), then Allâh's damnation is upon him and the curse of the angels and men. Allâh will neither accept his obligatory nor superoragatory worship'.

A heretic met Imâm Sa`yeed ibn Jubayr raDiyAllâhu `anhu on the road. He said 'Sir, I want to ask you something'. The Imâm said, 'I don't want to listen anything'. The heretic said, 'But sir, please listen to just one word', the Imâm gestured placing his thumb on his little finger and said, 'I won't listen to HALF a word'.

When asked about it, he replied: 'He wanted to simply argue'.

Come to think of it. The superiors (akâbir), the most knowledgeable amongst them are so careful and wary of such matters. Whereas these days we observe the ignorant folk arguing with the arya samajis and wahabis. They don't seem to be concerned nor afraid of anything! (Only) that person who is a master of sciences, he who knows the pitfalls the nuances of argument, and he who has all the force and he who has all the weaponry with him should venture into refuting the heretics. Even then, where is the need for such a man should go in a forest full of jackals?

Yes, when there is a pressing need, he (such a scholar) is compelled. He should do tawakkul on Allâh and use his weapons.

[Akâbir ki to yeh Hâlat, aur ab ye Hâlat hai ke jâhil se jâhil chuTa paRta hai âryoN se, wahâbiyoN se aur kuch khawf nahiN karta. Jo tamâm funûn ka mâhir ho, tamâm pech jânta ho, poori Tâqat rakhta ho, tamâm hathiyar paas hoN, usko bhi kya zarûr ke khwah makhwâh bheDiyoN ke jungal meiN jaay? HaaN agar zarûrat aa paRey to majbûri hai, Allâh par tawakkul karke un hathiyâroN se kaam le]

al-MalfuDH, Imâm Ahmed RiDâ, Part 4

to paraphrase the Imâm raHimahullâh:

"Our elders were wary of argument and refutation. But these days everyone seems to find it easy and plunges in it, without a second thought.

Only such a man who has the mastery of sciences should venture into refuting the heretics. (he who has copious knowledge of fiqh, Hadîth, kalâm, logic, etc.) Not only that, he should also be adept at debate and distinguishing the weak argument from a sound one. He should have all the tools (his books and those of the heretics) with him. Even such a person shouldn't unnecessarily risk entering a debate unless there is a real need to. In such a case, it is a compulsion for him to refute." 

Published in Character


The aim of this short article is to inform about how the Mujaddid of the 14th Century, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan inspired us and showed us what true Love for the Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] is. Hence, this article will explore through the works and sayings of the great Imam, which give us a mere glimpse of his Ishq [Love] for our Master [peace and salutations be upon Him]. If it wasn’t for this great personality, we would probably be amongst those deviants [Allah Forbid!] who love to sing the song of “Shirk” and “Bid’ah” to those, whose hearts are drowned in love for the Best of Mankind [peace and salutations be upon Him] i.e. by celebrating the Mawlid.

Who was Imam Ahmed Raza Khan?

Al-hamdu li-Allah, every Sunni Muslim from the Indian subcontinent will know of this Great Wali [Friend] of Allah, due to his immense service in propagating the message of Islam, and defending the beliefs of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah especially when they came under attack from heretics, disguised in the form of “Muslims”.

My initial intention was to provide the reader with a short insight into the life of the Imam, however this proved to be too difficult – it was just not possible to condense his blessed life to something of a suitable length for this article– it must be noted that many voluminous books have been produced on the Life of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan - namely, Hayat-e-Ala Hazrat, an Urdu biography which consists of 4 bulky volumes written by a close student of the Imam – Allamah Zafaruddin Bihari [also known as “Malik al Ulema” – King of the Scholars].

However, I have decided to present to the reader something that may be of extreme interest, which is what the Arab Ulema had to say about Ala Hazrat[1]:

· “The absolute Shaykh of all teachers” - Shaykh Ismail Makki, Libarian of Makkah Haram Library

· “The encyclopaedia of all sciences” - Shaykh ‘Ali bin Hassan Maliki, Mufti of the city of Makkah

· “A giant Imam and well learned man who is an expert in the sciences” - Imam Yusuf Nabhani, Mujaddid of Sham & Mufti of Lebanon

The Definition of Iman [Belief]

Most people when queried about Iman, will reply that it is to recite the Kalimah Tayyibah, and to believe in it. But what does believing in it mean? Let us look what Sayyidi Ala Hazrat says with regards to the definition of Iman [Tamheed e Iman]:

“… mere recitation of the Kalima is not enough for your salvation. You will be tested. If you are up to the mark, you will be regarded as Muslims. For testing a thing it is seen whether it does or doesn't possess those qualities which are essential to its very existence. You have just now seen that the Quran and the Hadith have clearly stated that two things are essential for Islamic faith: Firstly, respect for Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] Muhammad; Secondly, a higher degree of love for Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] Muhammad than the entire world.”[2]

SubhanAllah! Here Ala Hazrat informs us that merely reciting the Kalimah Tayyibah is not enough for one to be regarded as a believer [Mu’min]! The first and foremost attribute of a believer is that he has love for our Master as without it all his worship [Ibadah] will prove to be fruitless. The Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] of Allah himself said:

“None of you believes (truly), till I am dearer to you than his father, his child and all mankind”[3]

The above hadith shows one must have love for the Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] to such an extent that he loves the Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] of Allah more than anyone, for him to be considered as a true believer. The Messenger of Allah should be the forefront of our lives, and one can only truly love someone if they follow their teachings, hence we must endeavour to follow every Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, as preached by Imam Ahmed Raza Khan.

Ala Hazrat has written a whole book on the Definition of Imaan and how one cannot be a believer without Love of the Beloved of Allah. The book is titled “Tamheed e Imaan”, with an English translation also being released entitled as “Definition of Imaan”.

Eulogies in Praise of our Master

Imam Ahmed Raza Khan’s immense love for the Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] lead him to compose numerous poems, each singing the Praise of our Beloved in an unique and inspiring way. These were then later compiled into a book named “Hada’iq e Bakhshish” [Gardens of Salvation]. The beauty of the poetry is such that it is revered not only in the subcontinent, rather it is recited in every corner of the world by people who don’t even understand the language it is written in!

One such poem written by Ala Hazrat is the Salaam “Mustafa Jaan e Rehmat Pe Laakhon Salaam”, an eulogy which consists of 171 love-filled couplets. It has not only been lauded as a work for its unique composition and style but by leading religious scholars for its beautiful distillation of core Islamic Beliefs. The famous Salaam touches on countless topics such as Islamic Creed [Aqa’id], the Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam]’s virtues, particularities [Khasaais], blessed physique [Khilq] and character [Khulq] as well as narrating and describing his numerous miracles and major events. The nature and complexity of the Salaam, as well as the vast topics touched on, has led to many lengthy explanations being published, which after reading one can definitely conclude that Ala Hazrat was a person who had unmatchable love for the Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] . Ala Hazrat himself said “By the grace of Almighty Allah, if my heart split up into two parts – on one of them you would see “Laa illaha illAllah” and on the other “Muhammadur RasoolAllah” .

Let us look at the first stanza of the Salaam:

Mustafa Jaan e Rehmat Pe Laakhon Salaam

Shama e Bazm e Hidayat Pe Laakhon Salaam

Upon the Chosen Paragon of Mercy a multitude of salaam

Upon the light of all Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam]s a multitude of salaam[4]


(Very Small) Selection of verses from other Naats, illustrating the Love the Great Imam has for the Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] :

terey to wasf áyb e tanāhī se haiN barī

hayrān huN mere shāh maiN kya kya kahūN Tujhe


Your are free from the defect of having an end,

I am perplexed my Master! What shall I call thee?[5]


gūnjh gūnjh uthe haiN nag’māte razā se baustāN,

kyūn na ho kis phūl kī mid’ĥat maiN wa-minkār hai


The melodies of Razā echo resoundingly in the gardens

And why not? Does he not sing the praises of the majestic flower?[6]


maiN tu mālik hee kahūn ga ke ho mālik ke ĥabīb,

ya’anī meĥbūb-aw-muĥibb maiN nahīN mera terā

I will say that, you to be the Master, for you are the beloved of The Master (Allah). 

For between the Beloved and One who loves Him, there is no mine and yours.[7]

Abd al-Mustafa

Due to his immense love and respect of the Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] , the Imam commonly used to refer to himself as “Abd al-Mustafa”, especially in his fatawa.

Here, the word Abd can be translated to have two literal meanings – worshipper and servant. Whenever Abd is used with Allah’s name it has the former meaning ‘worshipper’ whereas when Abd is used with a noun other than Allah, it takes the latter meaning, ‘servant’. Hence, Abd al-Mustafa means ‘Servant of Mustafa’.

Some heretics claim that it is not permissible to have names such as “Abd al-Mustafa”. Their Jihalaat[8] leads them to attribute it as Shirk[9]. This [their ignorance] is further proved by the fact that they [the enemies of the Imam] falsely translate the aforementioned name/title as “Worshipper of Mustafa”. Without a doubt, such an objection is baseless and has no truth in it whatsoever. One such person, Janab Sayyid Muhammad Sha Sahib, Deputy Principal of Nadwa, son of Molvi Sayyid Hasan Shah Muhaddith Rampuri objected to this, in a conversation between him and Imam Ahmed Raza[10]:

(Note: Mia refers to Janab Sayyid Muhammad Sha Sahib, and Imam Ahmed Raza Khan has been shortened to “Imam”.)

Mia: What about you who write Abd al-Mustafa (servant of Mustafa) with your name?

Imam: This is the beauty of having good thoughts about a Muslim. Allah states in the Holy Quraan,

وَأَنْكِحُوا الْأَيَامَىٰ مِنْكُمْ وَالصَّالِحِينَ مِنْ عِبَادِكُمْ وَإِمَائِكُمْ

Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among your slaves, male or female[11]

What do you say about this? Label this too as Shirk! (Ala’ Hadrat has written in his Qaseedah-e-Ak’seer-e-A’zam which is a commentary of Sharh-e-Mujeer-e-Mo’azzam that Sha Waliullah has recorded a Hadith Shareef in his Izalatul-Khafa. Sayyiduna Omar Al-Farooq refers himself in the sacred court of the glorious Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] in these words:

I was in the company of Sayyiduna RasoolAllah in the state that I was his slave and servant.[12] 

An Excerpt from Al-Malfuz Shareef in which Imam Ahmed Raza addresses a dis-respecter of the Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] on the issue of Ilm al Ghayb:

“A person whose leaning was towards Wahabism ideology, asked a question pertaining to the knowledge of the unseen [ilm al-ghayb] of Sayyiduna RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. The noble imam thus replied,


Do you ask about the general ‘ilm al-ghayb or the knowledge of maa’yakoon [happenings in the future]? I will answer to according to the question.


“I accept that Sayyiduna RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam is the most high and excellent creation and i also believe that he is roshan zameer. But I do not accept that he is aware of theintentions in the hearts of people.”


roshan zamir itself means to know the conditions of the heart. Allah almighty states in the blessed Qur’an,

Allah will not leave the believers in the state in which you are now, until He separates what is evil from what is good. nor will Allah almighty disclose to you the secrets of the Unseen, but He almighty chooses of His Messengers [for the purpose] whom He pleases. so believe in Allah almighty and His Messengers; and if you believe and do right, you will have a reward without measure.

Another ayah states,

He [Alone] knows the Unseen, nor does He make anyone acquainted with His Mysteries, except a Messenger whim He has chosen, and then He makes a band of watchers march before him and behind him.

Allah almighty not only exposes it, but also gives it to His chosen Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam]s. it is the consensus of the ulama of Ahl as-Sunnah that whatever excellence was granted to other Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam]s of Allah was all given in a higher scale to Sayyid al-Alameen sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. Whatever excellence any Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] possessed was actually granted to him by Sayyiduna Muhammad sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. This he granted by the Divine Grace of Allah Almighty. It is in the Sahih of Bukhari and Muslim,

And verily, I am the distributor, and Allah Almighty the Provider.”[13]


woh razā ke neza kī maar ĥai, ke ‘adūw ke seena maiN ghār ĥai,

kisse chāra jaw’yī ka waar ĥai, ke yeh waar waar se paar ĥai


such is strike of Raza's spear, that it pierces the enemy's chest ample and deep;

who wants to make an wound that can be healed? this is a strike that shall send the enemy beyond gallows [death] once and for all![14]


[1] For more, one may refer to al Dawlah al Makkiyah and Hussam al Haramain

[2] Tamheed e Iman – Definition of Iman in Light of Qur’an and Hadith by Imam Ahmed Raza Khan

[3] Sahih al Bukhari; Book of Faith; Chapter 8

[4] From “Mustafa The Paragon of Mercy” an explanation to “Mustafa Jaan e Rehmat” in Urdu by Mufti Muhammad Khan, rendered into English by Sajid Younus (one can find inside this publication an English explanation to the stanza mentioned above)

[5] sarwar kahuN ke mālik o maulā kahūN tujhe (translated by brother Abu Hasan -

[6] muzhda bād ae ‘âasiyau! shāf-e shahe abrār hai (translated by brother Abu Hasan -

[7] wāh kya juud-aw-karam hai shah-e butĥa tera (translated by brother Abu Hasan -

[8] Ignorance

[9] Polytheism

[10] Recorded in Malfuzat e Ala Hazrat / Al Malfuz Shareef

[11] Surah Nur ; Verse 32

[12] Shah Wali Allah Muhaddith Dehlawi records in his Izalat al-Khifa citing from al-Riyyad al-Nadarah that Amir al-Mo’minin Sayyiduna Umar al-Faruq made the above statement from the Mimbar of Musjid al-Nabawi Shareef.

[13] Al Malfuz Shareef p. 27-28

[14] naẓar ik chaman se do chaar hai (translated by brother Abu Hasan -


Published in Biography

From al-Malfūdh Sharīf, Pg 95:

Were the thirty chapters of the Glorious Qur’ān already established in the sacred era of the Sahaba?

Imam Jalāl al-Dīn Suyutī rađiyAllāhu ánhu [d. 911/1505] in his famous book, al-Itqān fī ‘Ulūm al-Qur’ān, has compiled all the relevant ahadīth and narrations pertaining to the compilation of the Holy Qur’ān. It is not mentioned anywhere in this book of a chapter which tells us that it was done in that sacred era. Yes, the rukū’s existed. 

Published in The Holy Qur'an

From al-Malfūdh Sharif, pg 86:

The first and foremost factor of Imān is respect for the Rasūl şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam. Salāh or any form of ‘ibādah is useless without reverence for the Beloved Rasūl şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam. There are many ‘Abd-Allah’s [servants of Allah Almighty] in this world, but the true and sincere ‘Abd-Allah is he, who is ‘Abde-Mustafa [servant of the Beloved Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam]. If it is not so, then he is surely an ‘Abde-Shaytan [servant of the cursed devil]. May the Merciful Allah Almighty save us all from this curse! [Ameen!] 

Tuesday, 10 April 2012 22:16

Nikah performed by a Wahābī

From al-Malfūdh Sharīf, pg 337:

Question: If a Wahābī, who subscribes to Kufr beliefs, performs a Nikah, will it be valid?

Answer: The Nikah will be valid because Nikah entails an agreement between the contracting parties, even if a Hindu were to perform it. But it is definitely Harām to employ such a person to officiate [the Nikah] because of showing respect to him. Since a Kafir is not worthy of respect, therefore it must be avoided at all times.

Published in Wahaabism

From al-Malfūdh Sharīf, Pg 95:

Question: What is the ruling of the Shari’ah on a person who performed the Salāt al-Janāzah of a Wahābī that prescribed to anti-Islamic beliefs?

Answer: There is no Salāt al-Janāzah for a Wahābī, Rāfdī, Qadiyānī all heretics whose Kufr has been established, Salāt al-Janāzah is for a Muslim who holds correct Islamic beliefs and not for the Kuf’fār or an apostate. After knowing this fact and to still read Salāt al-Janāzah for such a person is kufr

Published in Wahaabism

Question: Did the Wahabi Sect exist at the time of the Khulafaa-e-Rashideen?

Answer: It is the very sect about whom Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibne Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) requested the permission from Ameeril Mu'mineen, Sayyiduna Ali Al Murtudah (Karramallahuwajhahu) to confront. After obtaining permission from Ameeril Mu'mineen, Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibne Abbas (radi Allahu anhu)went to these people and asked them: "What was it about the Ameeril Mu'mineen that you so greatly disagree with?" They replied: "Why did the Ameer appoint Sayyiduna Abu Moosa Ashari (radi Allahu anhu) as a Hakm (Judge) in the Event of Siffeen? This is Shirk (Polytheism) because Allah states in the Quran: 'That judgement is from none but Allah'". Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibne Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) replied: "Is it not in the very Quran that states, 'If there arises a dispute between husband and wife then get one Hakam (Judge or Arbitrator) from both sides, and if the couple require a reconciliation then Almighty Allah will put them together".

(This is absolutely the same tactics used by todays Wahabis. They close their eyes when it comes to the belief of I'lm-ul-Ghaib - Knowledge of the Unseen - possessed by Sayyiduna Rasoolullah -sallalahu alaihi wasallam. It is an Islamic belief that he did possess this Science of Knowledge as an Ataee - Gift of Allah and not Zaati (Personal). But the corrupt Wahabi totally refutes this. According to them such belief is Shirk).

Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibne Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) then asked them as to what type of belief do they hold that they claim Imaan with all the Ayahs of Nafi (Negation), and Kufr with the Ayafs of Ithbaat (Affirmation). On hearing this scholastic statement of Sayyiduna Ibne Abbas (radi Allahu anhu), half of that group (5, 000) made Taubah (Repented) and joined Ameeril Mu'mineen. The remainder of the group (5, 000) remained stubborn. After this dialogue the Noble Ameeril Mu'mineen issued the order that the remainder be killed.

Sayyiduna Imaam Hasan, Imaam Husein and many other eminent scholars hesitated because this group spent the entire night in Tahajjud and spent the day in the recitation of the Holy Quraan. They said: "How could we raise our swords on such people". On the contrary, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) had already in the past informed Sayyiduna Ali (Karramallahu wajhahu) about this Sect that will revolt against Islam and they will be very staunch in their external duties, i.e. of Salaah, Fasting, etc. They will leave the Deen as an arrow leaves the bow for its target, never to return again, and they will recite the Holy Quraan but it will not go below their throats.

Eventually the Muslim army was compelled to execute the command of the Ameeril Mu'mineen. Hence, the battle commenced. In the course of the Jihad, the Ameer was informed that the enemy had reached the river in retreat. On hearing this, Sayyiduna Imaam Ali Al-Murtudah (Karramallahu wajhahu) said:"By Allah! Not even 10 if them will cross the river. All will be killed on this side". So it did happen. None of the 5 000 escaped and all of them were killed. Since the army of the Ameer was impressed by the piety of the enemy he had to clear their minds and heart. To put this into effect, the Ameer issued an order to his army: "Search the bodies of the enemy. If you find Zul Thadiyya amongst them, then you have verily killed the most evil of men on earth, and if you do not find him amongst them (killed) then you have killed the best of men on earth."The search began and all the corpses were inspected. Below a pile of the executed was lying the body of this cursed person. His one hand was shaped like the breast of a woman. When Ameeril Mu'mineen saw him, he loudly shouted the Takbeer (Allahu-Akbar) and praised the Almighty Allah. Likewise, the entire muslim army was convinced and satisfied by the Karamat (I'lm-e-Ghaib) of the Ameer, praised Allah and thanked Him for cleansing this filth from the earth.

Then the illustrious Ameer again addressed the army and said: "Do you think that this cursed Sect is totally exterminated? Absolutely not! Some of them are still in the womb of thier mothers and others are in the sperm of thier fathers. When one of these groups will be exterminated the others will rise with the Fitna and this will continue until the last group will emerge with the cursed Dajjal!"

This is the very sect that will emerge in the future in different names and famous disguises. Now, in this last period of time the very same cult emerged as "Reformers of Deen" and called themselves Wahabis. All the signs about this group that were foretold in the Sahih Ahadith Shareef are found exactly in the present Wahabi followers. A few prophecies were mentioned here.

1. If you compare your Salaah with their Salaah you will regard yours as insignificant and insufficient. Likewise, your fasting in comparison to theirs ( Wahabis) and your good deeds to that of theirs.

2. They will recite the Holy Quraan but it will not go below their throats.

3. Their words and speech will be very sweet and appealing and they will quote in every step.

4. Their condition will be such that they will leave the (boundries of) Deen as an arrow leaves the bow for its target.

5. One of their signs is that most of them will shave the hair of their heads.

6. Their pants will be raised high above the ankles.

N.B.: It is said that the father of Wahabism, Ibne Abdul Wahab Najdi, used to excercise the shaving off the hair so strongly that if any women converts to his corrupt cult (Wahabism), he ordered the female to shave off her hair. This was done because he said: "This is the hair of the period of Kufr therefore it must be shaven off". This shaving off of the female hair carried on for some time until one lady confronted him and said: "Why don't you shave off the beards of your recruits when they enter you Deen. That is also the hair of the period of Kufr?"It was from then that he stopped this shameful and disgusting practise.

Look at the Wahabis of todays. Majority of them shave off their hair and lift their pants high above their ankles. How true are the prophecies of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) of over 1 400 years ago. They fit on the behavior of the present day Wahabis perfectly.

A'la Hadrat (may Allah santify his soul) went on further to say:

When the Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) was distributing booty after the Battle of Hunain, one person (that day Wahabi), objected to the manner of the Holy Prophet's (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) distribution and said: "I do not find justice in this distribution because some persons are getting more than the other". On hearing this remark, Sayyiduna Omar Al-Farouq (radi Allahu anhu)became furious and said: "Ya Rasoolullah! Grant me permission to behead this Munafiq (hypocrite)". He replied: "Leave him because such and such type of people will be from his offsprings". Then the Holy Prophet of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) further said: "Unfortunately, if I do not excercise justice with you then who will be just to you? May Allah have mercy on my brother (Nabi) Moosa (alaihis salaam) who was oppressed more than me!"

The pious Ulema state that the distribution of the Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaii wasallam) on the single day was more than the lifelong charity of generous kings. The jungle was full of booty and the Sahabas came in huge numbers and the Nabi of Allah distributed the booty to them moving backwards (as the goods got lesser until all was given out).

While this virtuous distribution was carrying on a Bedoin came up to the Noble Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) and kindly pulled away his Rida (Mantle) from his blessed shoulders. The force of that snatching left marks on the shoulders and the back of the Beloved Nabi (sallalahu alaihi wasallam). He did not get annoyed by this act, but all he humbly said: "Oh People! Do not hasten, by Allah you would never find me a miser at any given time". Certainly by the Lord of Power Who has sent his beloved Rasool (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) with the truth and ultimate guidance, the most esteemed Khalifa of the Almighty Allah is Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam). Whatever bounties and mercies are recieved in this universe is indeed due to his blessings. Infact, his blessings in this universe is but an atom of his Divine Rahmah.

Arif-e-Billah, Imaam Sharfudeen Busiri (may Allah sanctify his soul) states in his famous Qasidah Burdah Shareef: "Truly the mercies of this Duniya and Akhirah is but a trace of the blessings of the Beloved Nabi (sallalahu alayhi wasallam) and all the Knowledge of the Unseen (I'lmul-Ghaib ) is but a glimpse of the sacred knowledge of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam)".

One day the eminent Ashaab of the Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam)were assembled around him and a person came by and stood at the edge of the Majlis Shareef. Immediately, he proceeded from there into Musjid-e-Nabawi Shareef. The Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) addressed the Sahaba and said: "Who amongst you will go and kill him?" Sayyiduna Abu Bakr As Siddique (radi Allahu anhu) got up and went towards this person who was engrossed in Salaah. He could not kill a person who was engrossed in Salaah, and returned to the Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) and explained the situation.

The Beloved Nabi of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) stated again: "Who is it that will kill him?" Sayyiduna Omar Al Farouq (radi Allahu anhu) got up and went towards that person and found him in the same situation.

For the third time the Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) stated: "Who is it that will kill him?" Sayyiduna Ali Al Murtudah (radi Allahu anhu) got up and said: "I will kill him". The Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) said: "Yes, you would if you find him but he will not be there".

When Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) went to the Musjid Shareef the man had already left. Then the Nabi of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) said: "If you had killed him then a very great Fitna (dissention) would have been removed from this Ummah". He was the father of Wahabism whose offsprings are found today. They are soiling this earth and causing Fitna in this Ummah. That rude person stood on the edge of a Majlis Shareef of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and gave one look at everyone present there. His corrupt heart told him that there is no one in this Majlis better than himself. He was very proud and boasted of his Salaah and piety. He did not realize that Salaah or any virtue, is but a mercy of the Glorious Prophet of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam).

One can never be a devout servant of Allah until one sincerely pledges his allegiance to the beloved of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam). In the Holy Quraan Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala places the respect and honour of His Beloved Nabi before His worship. Therefore, Allah states: "So that you bring faith on Allah and his Rasool and respect and honour his Rasool and glorify Allah day and night, (meaning, perform Salaah)". The first and formost factor of Imaan is respect for the Rasool. Without respect for the Rasool, Salaah or any from of Ibadaah is useless. There are may Abdullahs (Servants of Allah) in this world but the true and sincere Abdullah is he who is Abde-Mustafa (servant of the choosen Prophet - sallalahu alaihi wasallam). If it is not so then the servant is Abde-Shaytaan - servant of the cursed Devil. Allah forbid this!

[from al malfuz shareef]

Published in Wahaabism