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Thursday, 28 August 2014 19:32

Urs of Sadr us Shari'ah 1435 AH

The 2nd of Dhul Qa'da marks the Urs of the Great Islamic Jurist, Khalifa e Ala Hazrat, Sadr us Shari'ah Allamah Mufti Amjad Ali Azmi (Allah is pleased with him). Sadr us Shari'ah is renowned for his famous Encyclopaedia on Hanafi Fiqh which today is used by Muslims around the world, scholars and laymen alike, to find answers to their daily Islamic questions. Sadr us Shari'ah is one of the closest students of Sayyidi Ala Hazrat, to find out more about this Great Saint see our new releases below:

Release 1: The Chief of Shari'ah - By Hafiz e Millat Allamah Abdul Azeez Mubarakpuri (Founder of Jami'ah Ashrafiyyah Mubarakpur)


Ajmer Sharīf is a well-known academic city of India. It is the centre of the people of marvels. Dārul-Ulūm Muʿeeniyyah ʿUthmāniyyah was situated inside the mausoleum [of Khwājā Gharīb Nawāz]. At the time of lessons, many eminent scholars would present themselves to listen to the lessons of Sadr al-Sharīʿah, to which they were very content. They would praise Sadr al-Sharīʿah on his vast knowledge. Amongst his students were the likes of; Mawlānā Sayyid Ghulām Jilani, the commentator of Bukhārī (Mufti Sharīful Haq) and Mawlānā Sardār Ahmed – such stars of knowledge and virtue serve as a clear proof of the vast knowledge of Sadr al-Sharīʿah, as a plant is recognised by its flowers, and so a teacher is recognised by his students. His expertise in the field of teaching was such that he began teaching whilst he was still a student, and he continued this until his last breath. Those who know, state that his students – direct and indirect – total approximately 4,000. In addition to being a reputable teacher, Sadr al-Sharīʿah was a great writer and a speaker. From his literatures, Bahār-e-Sharīʿah and Fatāwā Amjadiyyah hold a unique place. Also, his speeches were so comprehensive that the scholars would praise him. 

Translated by Muhammad Kalim (Preston) - Download Full Article

Release 2: Will be released within the next 24 hours, watch this space!



There are eight from the many contributions of Ṣadr al-Sharīʿah ‘Alayhir Rahmah that can be written extensively about. Theses can be written upon the eight great contributions:

  1. The encyclopaedia of anafī Fiqh, Bahār e Sharīʿat.
  2. al-Fatāwā al-Amjadiyyah, in two large volumes.
  3. Annotation of the Commentary on (Ḥāshiyah Shar) Maʿānī al-Āthār in the Arabic language.
  4. The dictation of the translation of the Holy Qur’ān, Kanz al-Īmān.
  5. The great legacy of his students.
  6. A publisher of Ahlus Sunnah.
  7. His noble children being scholars.
  8. A library that has works of 20 sciences. 

Translated by Neesarahmed Amjadi - Download Full Article

Published in Islamic Events
Friday, 19 October 2012 17:31

Poor Person's Qurbani

[The ḥadīth collections] Abū Dā'ūd and Nisā'ī contain the narration of Sayyidunā ʿAbdullāh bin ʿAmrū that the Messenger of Allāh SallAllaho Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam said:

“‘I have been ordered with regards the day of Aḍḥā, the Almighty has decreed that this day be made a day of ʿīd for this Ummah.’

One individual said – ‘Oh Messenger of Allāh SallAllaho Alayhi wa Sallam, if I possess no animal

 besides a loaned one, can I sacrifice it?’

The Messenger SallAllaho Alayhi wa Sallam replied – ‘No – but if you trim your hair, nails and moustache and shave your pubic hair, your sacrifice will be considered complete in the sight of Allāh.’”

Meaning, if someone is unable to perform uḍḥiyah, he can attain the thawāb of it regardless by performing these actions. [Bahār e Sharīʿat; Part 15; ‘Discussions pertaining to uḍḥiyah.’]
Translated by Abu Hamid al Qadiri
Published in Islamic Events
Monday, 23 April 2012 15:39

A reason for decrease in ones provision

Sadr-as Sharia’ Mawlana Mufti Muĥammad Amjad ‘Alī Aazmi rađiyAllāhu anhu says,

It is desirable to trim one’s nails on Friday but if they are very long one should not wait for Friday because letting one’s nails grow in length is a cause for decrease in one’s provisions. (Bahar Shariah, Part 4, pp. 195, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Sharif) 

Published in Cleanliness
Sunday, 22 April 2012 21:08

Zakaat Nisaab



Do we exclude or include the amount of NIsaab(85/87 grams or equivalent) before calculating Zakat?

For Example Nisaab is equivalent to approximately $ 450 and I have a savings of $ 1000 will i calculate my Zakat on $1000- $ 450 = $550( amount less Nisaab) or on $1000?

Thanking You

Syed Azfar Hussain 


Wa Alaykum Al-Salam, Sayyid Sahib,

I hope that you are well.


The Nisaab is the actual amount on which Zakah becomes an obligation. That which is other than the Nisaab will also be added to the Nisaab whilst working out the amount of Zakah if it reaches one fifth of the Nisaab. This has been taken from the Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him),

"Give 1 Dirham from every 40 Dirhams but if you do not have a complete 200 Dirhams then nothing is upon you". (Ab Dawud)

If the Nisaab is $450 and one possesses $1000, the actual obligation of Zakah is on $900. Zakah will also be paid on the $90 from the $100 that are left. This is because $90 is one fifth of the Nisaab. Thus, the person will pay $24.75 in total as Zakah. This is explained in Bahar-e-Shariat with a different example.

And Allah knows best,

Zahid Hussain Al-Qadri
(Beggar at the doorstep of Scholars) 

Published in Zakah